DGNA Fall Meeting with Councillor Parthi Kandavel

DGNA Fall Meeting with Councillor Parthi Kandavel
Members of the DGNA met with Councillor Kandavel and his
team late last fall. We discussed the 685 Warden Condo, the 673 Warden Condo,
the West Scarborough Rail Trail, returning garbage and recycling cans to Danforth Gardens Park and the DGNA S.O.S. traffic plan.
The 685 Warden Condo developer went to the Ontario Land Tribunal and won a variance to raise the height of their 5 buildings to 17 – 49 stories. This was done under the watch of the former councillor, Gary Crawford. An attempt to fight the issue at OLT was thwarted by city lawyers who said the city planning report was not favourable to a challenge and would have been a waste of money. This is a done deal.
The 673 Warden Condo (TD Bank site) also won an appeal at OLT to go from 16
– 27 stories. Again, a development that
went through the approval process under the former councillor. A small victory
was an increase in commercial space in the building from 206 m2 to 313 m2. This is also a done deal.
The councillor's team has been in contact with City Of Toronto Parks staff who have promised to return the bins to the park.
The DGNA S.O.S. Plan will be revisited in January and we are
looking to have the councillor follow through on his promise to fulfill this
plan for a traffic light at Elfreda Blvd. and St. Clair Ave. E., a no left turn out of the Beer Store Condo parking garage and a bump out at the driveway.